Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Presbyterian?
The word “Presbyterian” comes from the Greek word in the Bible that means elder. A Presbyterian congregation is spiritually overseen by a group of elders, called a session. So, the word Presbyterian simply denotes our polity, or form of governance.

What do Presbyterians believe?
We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, as one God in three distinct modes of existence. We believe that God created all that exists in goodness, but that sin infected His creation. We believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus is God’s provision for redeeming creation. We believe that every person is called to respond to God’s saving grace with faithful discipleship. We believe the Holy Spirit empowers us to live as faithful disciples, as we submit to the will of God.

We believe the Bible is the unique, authoritative and infallible witness to God’s redemptive plan. We believe that God created the Church to be a visible sign of God’s redemptive community and of human possibilities. We believe that we are called to love God by loving one another and all of creation.

We believe that God’s sovereign plan is that all creation will bow to worship Him and submit to Him. We believe that faith is marked by turning from a life of sin and separation from God and by turning toward a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that every person has been destined to salvation, but that each person must appropriate salvific faith for themselves.

We believe that Jesus will come to consummate time and history and bring His people to Himself. Jesus alone will serve as judge over creation. He has created a dwelling for His people in heaven, and we will abide with Him there forever.

Is your church liberal or conservative?
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). While our denomination is a fairly diverse body, OPPC stands in the conservative and evangelical camp. We consider ourselves orthodox in our theology, belief and practice of the historic Christian faith.

What is the difference between PC (USA) and PCA?
The PCA is a break off group that left the PC (USA) back in the 1970’s. The main difference between the two denominations is that the PC (USA) promotes women to full leadership in the life of the church, including ordination to the office of deacon, elder, or Minister of Word & Sacrament. We believe God calls people to service by virtue of their gifts and not necessarily according to their gender.

What kind of worship services do you have?
We have two distinct styles of worship. Our contemporary service (“Context”) gathers each Sunday at 9:30a.m. It is noted for its high energy, Spirit-led approach with full multi-media and a live band that plays popular contemporary Christian music. Our more formal traditional service gathers at 11:00a.m. and is noted for its liturgy, choir music and hymns.

What are the Christian nurture opportunities at OPPC?
Through the OPPC “Growth Institute” we offer new classes or seminars each quarter. Our foundational seminars are offered in one evening on select Sundays. Our elective seminars are offered on Sunday mornings during the 9:30 and 11:00a.m. Sunday school hours. We also host “Sunday Night Live” every fall and spring where we gather for dinner and offer other elective seminars. In addition there are Bible studies offered during the weekdays for young mothers, a men’s mid-week breakfast study, and regular Sunday school classes that meet each week. Please consult the “Growth Institute” brochure for the latest course offerings.

What do you offer my children?
Our exciting children's programs offer many different opportunities to worship and learn about God's Word. We offer two different Sunday school class times that correspond with our worship services at 9:30AM and 11:00AM.
We have skilled Nursery workers that work with infants to 2 year olds during both services. During our 9:30 service we offer two video-based, interactive programs; one that is a high-energy, multi-media worship/Sunday school for our lower elementary aged children, the other combines live-action and animation in a engaging format for our preschool and Kindergarten students. At both worship times, we offer age appropriate curriculum for our older elementary kids (4th thru 6th) that help them relate Biblical learning to real life situations. During the 11:00am service, we offer two hands-on style classes for our younger students: Bible Time for 3 year olds - Kindergarten and Bible Blitz for 1st - 3rd. Both programs teach children by learning how to find, understand and apply God's Word using everyday objects and simple lessons.

We also offer other classes and programs that are of a limited scope or are seasonal. We have DOT.COM, a pre-youth group that focuses on mission, for our 4th thru 6th graders. DOT.COM meets twice monthly and the kids can attend a camp each summer. There is Vacation Bible School and a Fine Arts Camp that we offer every summer. During our Sunday Night Live series, we often provide separate children's programs that focus on a specific topic.
There are holiday events, such as the Easter egg hunt, Advent festival, and Christmas Eve family worship services, that allow our children unique and enriching experiences. We believe that our children are an intregal part of our church and we welcome families to be a part of our "family".

Do you have small groups?
Yes! We call them Life Groups. Life Groups meet at different times and on different days, some in homes and some on the church campus. When they meet at the church campus childcare is provided. Life Groups are the setting to grow in fellowship with others, to know others and to be known. Life Groups are the main vehicle for bonding together in Christ. Please consult a Life Group brochure for more details.

How do I become a member of OPPC?
After attending the Membership 101 class and signing the membership covenant, new members are received on the first Sunday of a given month. Consult the worship bulletin to find the next available membership class.

What makes OPPC a unique church?
We are a Purpose-Driven congregation. We believe God has designed us for specific purposes, and we have tailored all of our ministries and even our infrastructure around God’s purposes for His people and church. Our five purposes are worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and mission. We hope you will discover God’s purpose for your life with us!

What is the vision of OPPC?
Our vision can be summed up in our vision statement: “The vision of OPPC is to cultivate maturing disciples with spiritual roots like a mighty oak, and to invite others to grow in the fertile soil of our life together in Christ.”

Frequently Asked Questions


What We Believe

Who We Are

How to Become a ChristiaN

Purpose Driven Structure





©2005 Orange Park Presbyterian Church
1905 Park Avenue, Orange Park, FL, 32073
904.264.0536; FAX: 904.264.1535
Preschool Phone: 904.278.0669
Office Hours: 8AM-4:30 PM Monday-Friday

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